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VanDusen Botanical Garden

VanDusen Botanical Garden

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Where is VanDusen Botanical Garden?

VanDusen Botanical Garden
5251 Oak Street
Vancouver, B.C.
VanDusen Botanical Garden website

VanDusen Botanical Garden is in the South Granville area of Vancouver, south of the downtown peninsula.

Located on Oak Street, you can get here by public Transit on bus number 17, or if you’re coming by car this is a relatively easy drive from downtown. VanDusen Botanical Garden has its own parking lot which is accessed from the southern end of the park at West 37th Avenue.

Please be advised that there are admission prices in effect for visitors who wish to enter VanDusen Botanical Garden.

VanDusen Botanical Garden Attractions

VanDusen Botanical Garden is a truly stunning ornamental set of gardens which was opened to the public in 1975. The 55 acres (22 hectares) contain an impressive 40 small and specialized gardens, all of different themes, amounting to over 7,000 different kinds of plants.

VanDusen Botanical Garden Highlights

The themed gardens

As mentioned above, there are 40 themed gardens all concentrating on one particular theme each and these are accessed via a network of winding paths.

Elizabethan Maze

The Elizabethan maze is great fun, particularly for families with children! Try not to get lost in this labyrinth which is bounded by 1000 pyramid shaped cedars!


In addition to the gardens there are a variety of sculptures here at the VanDusen Botanical Garden. A collection of 22 sculptures, which range from totem poles, to busts, to modern art and a fountain, and you’ll find these placed at various points throughout the gardens.


From spring through fall (usually April to end of October) you can enjoy a free (included in admission price) guided tour of the VanDusen Botanical Garden, taking place every day at 2pm. There are also other times available for seniors and the disabled who can enjoy their tour on a cart.

For further information on everything you can see and do here, plus opening hours and admission prices, please visit the VanDusen Botanical Garden Website.